Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


McCauley Community Mapping

A Conversation with Pedro Rodriguez.

We have been organizing a series of community mapping workshops in McCauley Community over the past year. This community mapping is going to be the source of concept and design for a progressive mural project based in the community. The most current one will be held December 16 at the Intercultural Centre (Library).

Muralist and Community mapping facilitator, Pedro Rodriguez, explains why this process is such a good foundation for a truly representative mural.

“Basically, community mapping and social cartography is something I have been involved for a long time. My life experience gave me more reason to use it, and be more aware how it places our needs and places. The maps which most of us are familiar with are political maps. These maps don’t reflect all of the people in the area, and all the demographics. It doesn’t necessarily show how we perceive or interact with our space.”

“Accessibility is an example of one of these types demographics. Another one is of Indigenous community members being displaced from their communities and of who they truly are. Other mapping can reflect available services, education, employment, food sources, housing, how we place things within these spaces, and how accessible are these things. These factors are also determinants of how we migrate and how or where live,” Pedro explains.

He continues by asking: “Do we have access to public information? Do we know the plans for the land and spaces? Are we included in the decisions? Being a part of rural/urban displacement through my own life experiences, I have developed a strong passion for what community mapping can tell us.”

“I am always fascinated to explore spaces. I have travelled for many years to many places. I am taken by what people say, and by the stories of the history of those places. To me, community mapping is a way to empower. At the end you are way more aware of the place and what is possible to do with it.”

To explore and find out more, be sure to sign up and join the process on Saturday, December 16 (1 p.m. to 5 p.m.) @ Intercultural Centre (McCauley School Building).

Taro is the Community Development Officer with E4C.

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