Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


A Lesson from Looking Up

On an afternoon in early May, I was out in the yard cleaning up and moving things so the tulips could come out of the ground and plants could grow.

Suddenly, I heard a strange kind of cooing sound that got louder and louder. I looked around to see what was making the sound and didn’t notice anything until I looked up – way up. There were thousands of Canada Geese flying North in many series of little V formations! What an amazing sight, and what an amazing journey they make twice a year every year.

I stood there transfixed watching them as they flew over, and they would circle back out of their formations and then form again into series of Vs and go on. I was in awe at the way they seemed to be encouraging each other as they flew, helping each other, and taking turns as leaders. There were several waves of thousands of geese, all in formations, flying steadily north.

We could all learn a lot from these wonderful birds, about how to work together, how to help each other. It was incredible to witness their strength, their perseverance, and their dedication to their goal. I was humbled and incredulous about how they know where to go, even what direction. If I had been inside or at work, I would have missed this wonderful sight. I’m glad I didn’t.

Enjoy the beauty of spring.

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