Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Arctic Art via McCauley

You are invited to visit, view, and learn from an exhibit of Arctic art from the collection of McCauley resident Dr. Joanne C. McNeal.

The artwork includes stone sculptures, paintings, prints, and examples of the wonderful sewing work by women of Inuit and Dene heritage who live in the Arctic. The work is mainly from the Northwest Territories, where Joanne taught in the college and worked with the Great Northern Arts Festival for 12 years.

A few additional works hail from the Yukon and Nunavut. The work is exquisitely beautiful and very creative, showing how Arctic peoples live, and their relationship with the land and animals.

The exhibit will stay up in the Coutts Education Library until February 15. All are welcome and it is free. The Coutts library is in the east end of the Education building of the University of Alberta campus, on the north side of 87 Avenue between 112 Street and 114 Street.

This website address will help you locate the exhibit:

Come and be awed by these wonderful works of art.

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