Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Inn Roads Expands

For the first time in 25 years, Inn Roads Housing Cooperative has expanded. The co-op has been looking to provide more housing (and volunteers) for McCauley and a perfect opportunity arose with an offer from Mike and Heather Van Boom, when they asked to join the co-op. Inn Roads looked at the offer, and at the beginning of June at a Special Meeting, the co-op passed a motion to purchase the house and accept the memberships of the people living in the house.

Inn Roads Housing Cooperative members have been an integral part of building community in McCauley. If one looks at the honourees at the True Friends of McCauley, many of the recipients had formerly lived in Inn Roads, or do so presently: Bob McKeon, Rosalie Gelderman, John Gee, Michelle Cumming, Colleen Chapman, Garry Garrison, Ken Bregenser, Miranda Ringma, and Mike and Heather Van Boom. Community service is expected of members, with the least contribution being sitting on an Inn Roads committee.

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