Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


BMHC: Excellent Health Services

If you haven’t discovered one of the best kept secrets in our vicinity, check out the Boyle McCauley Health Centre.

I have difficulties getting my blood work done most of the time. My veins are uncooperative to say the least. Sometimes I have to go back the next day for an expert to be at work to find my vein.

The clinic at the BMHC has no such problem. They are experts at finding veins, and when I go there I normally get in right away, they find the vein, and I’m out within 15 minutes.

The people I’ve met there are friendly, welcoming, and helpful. My next foray will be to check out the dental services they provide.

There is free parking, with a handicapped spot right in front, and for most readers it is within walking distance.

Many thanks go to the volunteers who worked to create this service, and to the very special staff members who work there!

Colleen lives in McCauley.

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