Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


It’s Official: Part of 96 Street to be Renamed Church Street

Ansgar Lutheran Church and Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, two of the many churches along 96 Street. Paula E. Kirman

On May 1, Edmonton city council’s executive committee approved a plan that will see a portion of 96 Street get the recognition it deserves as a unique and historic area.

The plan includes zoning changes to protect the heritage character of the blocks along 96 Street between 106 and 111 Avenue, installing interpretive plaques, improving the landscaping, repainting decorative lights, and marking a shared bicycle route. Most notably, the area will officially be renamed Church Street – something residents and others familiar with 96 Street have been calling it for years.

The work will cost around half a million dollars and is expected to be completed within two years.

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