Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Worried for Spring

Spring is approaching and I must admit that I am not really looking forward to what happens when the weather warms up in South McCauley. The mass resurgence of those looking for opportunities on the street will have begun by the end of the month.

I am praying that as a resident, when I call on some of the agencies to be “good neighbours” they will comply. Up until now, that hasn’t occurred. My direct message to them is that of the ills of spatial concentration of poverty and services crammed into a five block area. I don’t wish to cast a bad light on the agencies, but I’d like to get them to realize that they need be responsible for what goes on not only inside their facilities, but also outside and throughout the neighbourhood. 

The need for a healthy community for residents is just as great as those attending the service agencies. We all want balance and safety. The EPS should not have to clean up what the agencies have drawn here. What most people don’t understand is that people come from EVERYWHERE – not all live here, contrary to the general populace’s beliefs.

I am praying for a safe spring and summer. And as for that olive branch I mentioned in my previous article? I am afraid that “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” and made away with it.

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