Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


New Mural on Kim Fat Market

“Bridge to the Wall,” copyright The Places 2013. Supplied

Local artist Kris Friesen created an 8’h x 52’w mural now installed on the Kim Fat Market at 9905 107 Avenue entitled “Bridge to the Wall.” The Art & Design in Public Places and The City of Edmonton commissioned Friesen.

This mural began as an open dialogue with the McCauley Revitalization Committee and Phong Luu, the owner of Kim Fat.

“We are so happy to receive such a lovely mural that will be forever a part of our store. The painting will be enjoyed by many and the story behind it will be passed along to our children. Kris did an amazing job in visualizing my vision of continual growth for our city.” – Phong Luu, Owner of Kim Fat Market Ltd.

Kris Friesen, Artist Statement:
“My vision for this mural is a fantasy landscape that combines the Great Wall of China and Edmonton to leave the viewer in a scenic daydream. The Great Wall begins far into the first horizon on the left and meanders like a river until it finally comes into the foreground as a path in the Chinese Garden section of Louise McKinney Park. The path then continues into the river valley of downtown Edmonton, which stretches out into the distance of a second horizon.

The Great Wall starts the mural and acts as a foundation for the city: an illusion of growth and change that shows what has been built and suggests more to come in the future. This mixture of ancient and modern places shows the diverse status of Edmonton by revealing an important cultural influence that has helped build the city. After engaging viewers with a visual escape I hope to leave them curious about different cultures in our city.”

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