Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Quarters Arts: Neighbours

What makes a good neighbour?

For the better part of five years, I have been a neighbour to Aaron and Steph. Steph involves herself with the community relations of the building as their unofficial story keeper. The building in which we live has its flow: people move in and people move out, though I thought to focus on the long standing neighbours, like Aaron and Steph, who have withstood the test of time of the building with no huge intention of leaving.

What makes them want to stay? What would happen to their lives if they left? Why would they want to?

I wanted to see how a community keeps its people, how neighbours remain neighbours for long extended periods. How do individuals, couples, and families decide to stay in a somewhat transient and complex area?

So, I interviewed Steph, who has been a resident of our building since its inception. When asked why she’s been here for nearly a decade she replied, “Honestly we stay because we are lazy and ended up in pretty dope spot.”

It seems that the pros began to overweigh the cons when it came to downtown living in a changing neighbourhood. “Trust me,” she says, “I’d love to have a yard or a private balcony. Nevertheless, good rent prices, plus nice space, a super central location, and great neighbours makes the total lack of parking and sometime privacy a non-issue.”

The idea of the changing neighbourhood is a usual topic when it comes to where my neighbour sees the ‘hood in the coming years. It may be that for some of us, we are witness of who may be the new residents moving into the community, or how it may affect the way people live or can even afford to live in the character filled area of The Quarters. Steph added to the conversation, “I have a lot of feelings and thoughts but nothing is certain. For now I’ll just enjoy what we got now because really in the future this place could very well turn into overpriced condos.”

I personally have thrived off living in the building with the many interesting and friendly neighbours I have come to call friends over the years. Part of being involved as a community member with various initiatives is to have a vehicle in which to express my thoughts and ideas in a neighbourhood I hold dear.

The Quarters Art Society wants to help infuse the community and engage individual thoughts and feedback on how the neighbourhood will be shaped in the coming years. We’ve devised monthly evenings for members and the public to join in an evening of expression, fun and community connecting. Our next event, on March 6, will be, as always, a FREE and ALL AGES event running from 7 – 9 p.m. at The Boyle Street Plaza (9538 103A Avenue). Join us as we continue to grow in numbers and initiatives. Add your voice to the conversation, enjoy a night of activities for any age, and connect with your neighbours.

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