Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


Manon Aubry: Believing in the Boyle Street Spirit

Manon Aubry Supplied

Manon Aubry is a resident of Boyle Street – and proud of it.

She moved to her hundred year old house in Boyle Street five years ago. “I originally moved here partially because, after having sold my Oliver condo rather hastily, I had no place to live and I saw an ad for an Edwardian house, something I have always wanted,” she explains. “I walked into the house and it felt like home right away and my neighbour who sold me his sisters house felt like a friend instantly. I had also seen a presentation about the Quarters and wanted to take part in the redevelopment of the area.”

Manon writes articles for Boyle McCauley News that deal with the culture of Boyle Street, as well as social issues affecting the area. “ I am passionate about treating our homeless residents with respect. As this area becomes more prosperous with new people moving into highrise condos being built, I hope that those who move in realize that the homeless are just flesh and blood beings who have taken an unfortunate path. They still deserve to be treated with respect and compassion,” she says.

A former member of the board of the Boyle Street Community League, Manon is involved with focus groups held by the City on various topics like the community consultation process and new developments like the Galleria. In her spare time she enjoys looking after her house, taking long walks with her Lab cross dog, and volunteering with Little Cats Lost, which maintains colonies of feral cats and spays and adopts them out wherever possible. “With such a high rate of people renting and the high turn over rates of renter, cats are often lost in a move,” she says. “Never thought I’d be the crazy cat lady but I can’t stand to see the little souls suffering in the cold.”

Manon names the sense of community, particularly how people help each other out, as the best part of life in Boyle Street. “When I first moved here some men from Urban Manor told me they watch out for me – what more could I ask for?”

“A senior City planner recently told me that of all the projects he’s worked on, his experience in Boyle Street was his favorite because of the sense of co-operation that people showed here,” she continues. “I hope that we maintain this amazing and unique spirit.”

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