Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


About Us

Boyle McCauley News is a non-profit newspaper published six times yearly by the Boyle Street McCauley Community Newspaper Society. The Society is made up of people who live and work in the Boyle Street and McCauley neighbourhood.


We are always looking for articles and photographs that relate to the area, particularly of community events or a general human interest nature. Articles should be no longer than 500 words and photos should be high resolution. refer to our Editorial Guidelines for more information. Contact the Editor for more specifics on upcoming issue themes and assignments.

Volunteer With Us

We are always looking for new volunteers to help us write, photograph, deliver, and distribute the paper! Please contact our Editor to see what opportunities are available. We also ask that contributors read our Editorial Guidelines and that all volunteers read and agree to our Code of Conduct.

Editorial Mission

Our goal is to report issues fairly and provide a variety of perspectives on issues affecting this community. We strive to focus on the positive aspects of Boyle Street and McCauley. At the same time, we seek to present honest and solution-oriented news and opinions concerning the challenges that face the area.

The opinions expressed in Boyle McCauley News are those of the people named as the authors of the articles, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Board, staff, or Editorial Committee of the paper. Any submissions may be subject to editing for length and suitability.


Membership in the Boyle Street McCauley Community Newspaper Society is open to residents of McCauley or Boyle Street who are 16 years of age or older and support the Society’s mission and objectives (see below). Individuals from outside the area who are active volunteers with the paper are also eligible for membership. Membership gives you a vote at the Annual General Meeting. Our Membership form, with more information, is here.

About the Boyle Street McCauley Newspaper Society

Vision Statement

The Boyle Street McCauley Community Newspaper Society aims to foster a greater sense of community by acting as a forum for community views, information and individual opinion. As a catalyst for community development, the newspaper can help residents participate in the inner city milieu.


  • To regularly publish a (non-profit) community-orientated newspaper to serve the diverse needs of the Boyle Street and McCauley residents.
  • To be a vehicle, through which community organizations can inform local residents of their services and activities, providing opportunities to be involved in the neighbourhood.
  • To be a voice for residents who wish to express their concerns, interests, and ideas.
  • To report on local issues and events that occur in the community or are of community interest.
  • To work cooperatively with the local businesses regarding advertising services and points of interests.
  • To be a community-based newspaper which strives towards financial self-sufficiency and which functions through the use of volunteers.

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