Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


A Busy Summer Ahead

By the time you read this, the BSCL will be welcoming the new board elected at the April 30 AGM. They step into a busy portfolio, with meetings to come with the City on our future in the building (see story this issue). We continue to have input into several development and planning projects and issues, including the Jasper Avenue and Downtown Public Places consultations and some new developments in the Quarters. We are refreshing our website and looking at a new project, Faces of Boyle Street, which will roll out in the coming months.

It is going to be a busy summer at the BSCL, with green shack at St. Theresa’s, basketball camp, and more, so check out our ad for a list of our programming. Remember that membership in BSCL is free this year, so you can benefit from all our programming and from the Commonwealth Rec Centre’s free community swim on Sundays from 1-3 p.m. (just show your BSCL membership card.) Members go on to an e-mail list for programming and civics issues, and if you don’t have e-mail, leave us your phone number or drop by the building for updates.

We are looking for volunteers to plan and run some community events, and hoping with your help to schedule block parties or a community dinner, so we look forward to meeting you. Any community league member is welcome at a regularly scheduled board meeting, if you’re interested in becoming involved on a committee or joining the board in future. Our e-mail is and our phone number is (780) 426-9264.

Information provided by the Board of the Boyle Street Community League.

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