Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


A Huge Thank You

Hello McCauley.

On Saturday, March 21, the McCauley Community League held its Annual General Meeting, and we had a lot of thank yous to spread around. The last year has been a lot of work, and we are so grateful to our steady and committed volunteers. At the end of one league year and the start of another, we’d like to say thank you together for everyone who gave so generously of their time and energies.

Our first “thank yous” go to those places who have given room to the league when we have needed it, and waived the fee! The Boys and Girl’s Club continues to give us their board room for our monthly meetings. The Bissell Centre opened theirs to us whenever we hit a snag. Sacred Heart Church regularly donates access to their kitchen and facility whenever the league needs it. St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church offered their space to us for our AGM. To these friends we say, THANK YOU! Your hospitality and generosity are much appreciated!

We want to thank our partners who have worked so hard and so willingly alongside us in our community, especially E4C, McCauley Revitalization, and the KIDS organization. The League also received significant donations this past year from the Adults for Kid’s Society and the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation. It is a privilege to work with such amazing partners to make McCauley cleaner, stronger, safer, and healthier!

We also want to say a huge thank you to board members who are not returning to serve in the coming year. Your ideas and voices and perspectives were so important to the rebuilding of our community league, and we thank you for every gift of time and energy you gave to our community.

We’re also thankful for the many volunteers who have served with us this past year. You were our soccer coaches and gardeners, arts and craft organizers, childcare providers, rink volunteers, and supporting businesses. You helped us with set-up and take-down for our events, and gave gifts of ideas and enthusiasm that continue to energize your league for the work ahead. You donated time and energy on our committees: serving in recreation, zoning and planning, selling memberships, and planning events with us. Thank you for everything that you continue to do in our community.

At our AGM, we made three special thank yous to people who have given above and beyond for the last number of years. The guys from the E4C McCauley Apartments do a lot of great stuff in our neighbourhood, delivering flyers and volunteering their time and energy in clean up efforts. We thanked Steve Johnson for his years of dedication to our community hosting free guitar lessons every Monday night at the Boys and Girls Club. We also thanked the Edmonton Police Service – Downtown Division for their enthusiastic participation in the McCauley Cup hockey game between cops and kids.

As we start another year, your League board looks forward to continuing our work together in our wonderful neighbourhood. If you’d like to see how the AGM went or the results of the different votes and decisions made, please take a look on our Facebook page or on our website: As always, you can email us at Or you can stop by and visit us at our board meetings. We meet the first Tuesday of every month from 7-10 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. Let’s tackle this coming year together!

Mike is the President of the McCauley Community League.

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