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Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


A Necessary Balance

Recreational activities range from pastimes that are very physical (like sports) to physically passive but mentally active (like games – both the board and video varieties), to ones that are truly leisure (laying on a beach and soaking up the sun; binge-watching Netflix).

I have found that for me, personally, most of my recreation is of the mental/creative sort: writing, playing music, making art. These activities also often border on what I do for a living. As a result, I tend to spend a lot of the day in a “work” frame of mind – even when I am trying to relax.

So, balance is something that I am trying to work into my life. Trying to incorporate more physical activities, like walking or cycling more.

Being physically and mentally at rest is also needed for balance. I don’t watch a lot of television, but have found a few series I like on Netflix and yes, I have ploughed through several seasons in a short period of time.

Rediscovering interests of the past is also a great way to bring some balance – and nostalgia – into life. I love Archie comic books and am enjoying the rebooted series that is out now, bringing the characters into the modern world. Also, colouring books for adults – I hated colouring as a kid, but find it very relaxing now. Bring on the mandalas and paisley patterns.

Balance is necessary for having a better mental outlook and physical health. Now, excuse me – I have another five seasons of Gilmore Girls to get through!

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