Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


A Place to Walk Our Dogs

Joanne’s new dog Izzy. She is a Border Collie cross who is just over a year old. She was a stray from Hobbema. Joanne McNeal

Does your dog look like this waiting for you to take him or her for a walk? Even if you walk him, does he get enough exercise? I walk my new dog at least once a day and sometimes twice or three times. But I can’t run fast enough to give my new dog enough exercise to keep her healthy.

A dog park would be a fenced place with grass and trees where we could let our dogs run fast with other dogs and play safely. We can get a dog park established here if we work together. We need to hear from anyone interested in having a dog park here in McCauley. Just send a note to me care of this newspaper.

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