Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


A Positive Look at Transit

Ian, I loved your article about the Valley Line in the December 2023-January 2024 issue of Boyle McCauley News [“Accessibility on the Valley Line”]. 

Public transit has been beaten up so badly in the news lately, and I don’t think most of the reports are all that accurate. (Well, the more-than-a-few hiccups in the Valley Line construction were a bit much, but I have read that similar things happened around the world when cities were establishing train lines.)

Does the Valley Line have a station near the place where you live? Hope so.

-Anita Jenkins

Ian Young responds:

Yes, I do have the Quarters stop near me. It is so convenient and accessible. The ride is very smooth and quiet. It opens a lot of options for me to access things. 

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