Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


A Tribute to Ceno (November 11, 1962 - March 22, 2024)

A talented artist and dedicated community member.

Willian St. Savard (Ceno). Jim Gurnett

People may not have known William St. Savard personally, but in scores of homes and offices his distinctive drawings - often featuring feathers, eagles, and human faces - command attention. 

Known best as Ceno, St. Savard lived much of his life in McCauley and Boyle Street, after moving as a youth from Athabasca. He could often be seen around the community with a large piece of paper and his pens creating a work of art for someone. He loved to share his drawings and his sense of humour, and he was always quick to offer assistance and support to others who were struggling. 

In the final years of his life he lived at Ambrose Place, continuing to draw until arthritis made it difficult to use his hands.

Jim Gurnett is a social justice advocate who is also a former board member of Boyle McCauley News.

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