Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Advocating and Listening


As we move into August, I’ve been enjoying the warm weather, sunshine, and beautiful outdoor spaces here in Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood. I’ve also been lucky enough to connect with many of you at community events this summer, and I’m looking forward to more opportunities to join you as the summer continues.

In my last letter, I mentioned that the provincial election was right around the corner. Now, a few months later, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for once again putting your faith in me to represent you, your families, and our communities over the next four years. I am so excited to use this time to work with you to keep building a better future for our neighbours in Boyle Street, McCauley, and across the communities I serve.

I’m also truly honoured to have been named the Official Opposition Housing Critic. I asked our leader Rachel Notley for this role, as I know just how critical this issue is for my constituents. Many of you have shared with me that the lack of affordable, accessible, and safe housing is one of the biggest issues that our communities face. I believe that housing is a human right, and that it demands will and collaboration from all orders of government. I’m committed to do all I can to push for better for our unhoused neighbours and for all who are impacted by the housing crisis.

As I said the last time I wrote to you, I know that we have a long way to go toward building an equitable, kind, and supportive province for all Albertans. I will keep advocating and I will keep listening, and I’m so honoured that you’ve again given me the opportunity to continue this work together with you.

Whether it’s on housing, healthcare, education, or any issues that are top of mind for you, I want to hear from you. Please reach out, and know that as always, I’m here.

Take good care of yourselves and each other.

Janis Irwin, MLA for Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood


Phone: 780-414-0682

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