Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


All Albertans Deserve Housing

As I write this, we’re sitting under a thick blanket of snow, and the weather has turned very cold. 

When you read this in February, we’ll be that much closer to spring (optimism, am I right?) and I’ll be preparing to head back into the legislature with my colleagues.

I’m very proud of the work our Alberta NDP did over the last legislative session, and you’ve got my commitment that I’ll keep working hard as your local MLA and as the Shadow Minister for Housing. Among other issues, housing will of course be at the top of my mind, and my list of priorities, as we return to the legislature.

Once again this winter, I’ve been hearing from so many of you that, as times get tougher and temperatures drop, the safety and well-being of our unhoused neighbours continue to be of utmost importance to you. I want you to know that this is true for me too. 

And I know that we have a long way to go, and a lot of work to do, to meet the needs of these community members. We must ensure that we are all able to live safely, that we are all treated with dignity and respect, and that we all have access to community care and support.

We are in a housing crisis in Alberta. There is broad consensus of this fact among municipal leaders, academics, frontline workers, and struggling Albertans.

There are countless folks in our communities and across this province who are dealing with unaffordable, inaccessible, and unsafe housing. And data clearly shows that there are currently record-breaking numbers of unhoused Albertans sleeping on the streets, in encampments, and in shelters. And we see this clearly every day in our neighbourhoods of Boyle Street and McCauley. 

This is unacceptable. You deserve far better than this. You deserve action.

Please know that my colleagues and I will keep fighting for what all Albertans deserve - safe, affordable, and accessible housing.

We’ll also keep fighting for everything we need to build a strong, resilient province. We’ll keep fighting to protect your hard-earned pensions, to defend our environment and beautiful natural spaces, to rebuild and strengthen our public healthcare system, and to ensure that our kids receive the education that they need and deserve.

I know that we have a lot more work to do together and, as always, I want to hear from you. Please reach out, and know that I’m here to listen and to work alongside you as we build a great province for all Albertans.

Take good care of yourselves and each other.

Janis Irwin, MLA for Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood
Phone: 780-414-0682

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