Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Another Success for Heart of the City’s Second Annual Indigenous Fashion Show

Models at Heart of the City’s Indigenous Fashion Show. Supplied

For a long time, I have wanted to celebrate the art of slow fashion at Heart of the City. Fashion is an all too often overlooked art form. We may not realize it, but every day we are wearing art.

When I met Heather Bouchier last year at a bonfire, I had a lightbulb moment. I asked Heather if she would be willing to organize a show for HOTC. She consented to my bringing the idea to the HOTC board. The board was excited about the prospect and thus Heart of the City’s Indigenous Fashion Show was born.

This year, with Heather joining our board in the new position of Fashion Director, we held our second annual Indigenous Fashion Show and clothing drive at Parkdale Cromdale Community League on November 12th. The show featured the creations of emerging designer Kiera-Dawn Kolson and, for the second time, Acahkos Designs by Rhonda Johnson. Heather Bouchier also showed a collection at the event.

The event was emceed by Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse. We were pleased to present to a sold out audience.

The generous donations of clothing were distributed to a local organization called Water Warriors, who serve houseless folks, including many Indigenous people.

If you would like to find out more about this year’s featured designers, follow these links:

Acahkos Designs

Kiera-Dawn Kolson

Heather Bouchier Design

Many thanks to the Heart of the City board members who pulled together to produce this event: Heather Bouchier, Dilara Polat, Jen Dunford, Mike Siek, and Fey Goble.

Heart of the City also wishes to thank our amazing sponsors for this event: EPCOR’s Heart and Soul Fund, The Edmonton Arts Council, McCauley Community League, Parkdale Cromdale Community League and Boyle McCauley News. We were also supported by a private donation by HOTC’s Music Director, Boosh.

_Corine Demas is the President of the Heart of the City Festival and the special events coordinator for McCauley Community League. _

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