Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Assisted Snow Removal Pilot Project

New City program aimed at people who can’t shovel snow comes just in time for winter.

Winter is upon us, which means property owners need to keep their sidewalks clear of snow and ice. For people who are older or who have disabilities - and who can't afford ot hire a snow-clearing service - this can not only be difficult, but can lead to fines and snow-clearing fees. 

A new pilot program was approved by Edmonton City Council this past April, which will provide assistance for qualifying individuals such as low-income seniors 65 or over who have applied to the provincial government for the Seniors Financial Assistance, and people with disabilities (either temporary or permanent) who have no one else in their household who can help with snow renoval. The program will have contractors, at no charge to the resident, remove snow from front public sidewalks and private walkways leading to the house.

How to Apply

  • People already enrolled with DATS or the Assisted Waste Collection program need to complete an online enrolment form.
  • Otherwise, a signed authorized healthcare provider is needed in addition to filling out the online enrolment form.

Unfortunately, the spots in the program are not unlimited. People not able to get a spot right away will be added to a waitlist and notified if a spot becomes available.

In the meantime, if someone needs assistance with snow remval, they can get in touch with their local community league to find out if any "snow angels" would be willing to help them. 

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