Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Be Kind and Be Proud

_“We don’t even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward. In times of tragedy, of war, of necessity, people do amazing things. The human capacity for survival and renewal is awesome.”- Isabel Allende (Chilean writer) _

The most serious pandemic in the last 100 years in Canada has been a topic of discussion since the first Canadian case of COVID-19 was recorded on January 25th, 2020 in Toronto.

Here we are, over a year later, and we are still learning. As regulations lift and many closed businesses are re-opening, we still should ease back at our own pace and be understanding of others. If you still want to follow the protocols, that is fine.
What I noticed throughout this time was the strength and kindness of many in the community, from offers of rides to vaccination centres to assistance with deliveries. The contributions of neighbours helping any way they can for those who need assistance makes me feel proud and secure.

Everybody contributes in their own way. A simple hello can make a difference in one’s day! I have witnessed many acts of kindness. This is a very diverse community, but our common bond is support.

A good source for information is:
Be proud, neighbours – I sure am.

Ian is a columnist with the paper. He lives in the area.

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