Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Being Our Best Selves

Springtime usually fills me with a renewed sense of optimism. I look forward to seeing what plants have decided to grow. What good things will I have to eat growing in my garden? I can go out wearing lighter clothes. Boots are replaced with freedom-loving shoes.

This year, there is no such freedom. Life is very different than anything most of us have ever experienced. Yet there are people in all corners of the earth who are refugees dealing with war or famine (in addition to the virus), who would gladly trade for our existence. I hope that the fight we are having with this virus will help us reflect on the plight of other people who live with the fear, the shortages, the potential loss of their lives.

This will no doubt bring out the best in many, who will go above and beyond to help others. Others will only be able to do a little, and many will just survive because that is the best they can do. There are some who will seek to profit from the fear of others. They will be the worst, most selfish version of humanity.

We might see sides of ourselves during this pandemic that will surprise us. We might think thoughts that we didn’t think we were capable of, both good and bad. We will see which of our friends get to stay and which ones get to go. Sometimes we pick friends who have the same traits we can’t accept in ourselves. When we face our own foibles, those friends slip out of our lives. We will forge new friendships based on a shared goal. We’ll encourage each other.

In the coming days, things might get worse. Like the saying goes, it’s always darkest before the dawn – and it might take a long time for dawn to break. I’m hoping I have the strength to come to the other side a kinder, gentler person. How would you like to be?

Manon is a resident of Boyle Street and an active volunteer in the community. This column contains her own opinions, and is not affiliated with the Boyle Street Community League.

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