Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Bike Edmonton Community Workshop

A look at the newly-renovated north side Bike Edmonton Community Workshop. Alex Hindle

Attention avid cyclists: The Edmonton Bicycle Commuters is now Bike Edmonton.

The change took place in September of 2018. “We felt the name better reflected what we did, such as with our youth programs that don’t really fit under the commuter banner,” says Coreen Shewfelt, Community Bike Shop Manager.

As a result, the shops operated by Bike Edmonton formerly known as BikeWorks, are now known as Bike Edmonton Community Workshops. The north location still operates at 9305 111 Avenue in the southwest corner of the building.

Other than the name, what the non-profit society does has changed very little. “Our main goal with Bike Edmonton Community Workshops is to teach people how to fix and maintain their bikes and have a place for them to do that at a reasonable cost,” Shewfelt explains.

The north location also recently underwent some serious renovations. Shewfelt says that the shop is making better use of the space, with more workstations, and the ability to keep more bikes and parts in stock so people will be better serviced.

“The shop itself has been refreshed,” she says. “It’s a lot brighter and a lot more welcoming.”

For more information, visit

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