Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • December 2024-January 2025 • Circulation 5000


Boyle Street Memories

Boyle Street became a Community League in 1946. Its first President was Daphan Lucy Berg. I wonder if any of her family still reside in Boyle Street.

I am both honoured and humbled to be the latest President of this historic Community League. I have heard that Boyle Street is one of the first communities in Edmonton, so I am sure there are many stories from some long-time residents of Boyle Street.

My personal history of Boyle Street began in the 60s when my dad brought my brothers and I to W.W. Arcade to buy some tools. One of the first buildings I saw was the Gibson Block (the Flat Iron building), currently the home of WEAC, a women’s shelter on 96 Street and Jasper Avenue. I was in awe of the shape of it.

Later, in 1975, my wife and I moved from the farm to 9536-103 Avenue ,currently the home of one of the PIN House (People In Need Shelter Society) residential buildings. We lived there for six years before moving back to the farm, so Boyle Street has a special place in my heart.

I love this community: the people, the historic buildings, the attractions, the home of Edmonton Police Service Headquarters, City Firehouse #1, and at one time the City Farmers’ Market on 97 Street, the former home of the York Hotel on 96 Street, and other buildings and historic sites.

What are your memories of Boyle Street?

Alf White is the President of the Boyle Street Community League.

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