Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Building Community Together

When I won the historic election of 2021, it was on the promise of doing two things:

  1. Leaving our community better than how we found it.
  2. Ensuring positive change is sustained.

When I first decided to get involved in federal politics, I witnessed a community growing more divided, folks becoming less hopeful, and those we loved becoming more isolated. Neighbours found themselves unable to keep up with rent, mortgages, and even grocery costs – all during one of the worst public health crises we have ever faced. During that time, and since, we have also witnessed a tidal wave of greed at the gas pumps, check-out lines, and banks forcing more and more people into despair and precarity, all while those at the very top made record-breaking profits.

But this didn’t happen overnight. Our community’s vulnerability came from decades of underfunding and cuts to critical services like the National Housing Program in the early 1990s by previous governments. This resulted in one of the largest national shortages of affordable homes in Canada’s history.

These cuts hurt working people and end up being more expensive to address as time goes on. From housing to health care to support for people with disabilities, Albertans know the cost of cuts.

But it doesn’t have to be this way – we can build a Canada for all of us, where no one is left behind. A Canada where quality public health care is guaranteed, where we create good union jobs with fair wages, and where the prices for the things we need are kept within reach by limiting the greed of multinational mega-corporations. 

Together with the people of Edmonton Griesbach we have accomplished so much for Canadians because that’s just who we are. We take care of each other, and we know we are all better off when we do. But our work and our values are on the line in the next election.

That’s why I am here and ready for this fight: for me, for you, for all of us.

It has truly been the honour of my life to work for you and for our community. It is something I have never and will never take for granted. Your faith and belief in a better future for all inspires me every single day. I love the north side, having lived here for many years, and love those who are building it.

My friends, the best years of our country are still ahead of us. Let’s build it together.

Blake Desjarlais Member of Parliament, Edmonton Griesbach
Phone: 780-495-3261 

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