Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Businesses Build Community

Boyle Street and McCauley are home to several established businesses that serve customers far beyond the area’s borders. I am thinking of the Italian Centre, numerous restaurants, and even Lucky 97.

At the same time, new businesses and places to dine are setting up shop here. This bodes well for the future and reflects the changing atmosphere of the area, as well as changing attitudes towards it.

While there are certainly challenges to opening up a business here, there are many benefits. It’s just a short hop and skip from the downtown core. The residential portions of the area are dense, with many people who want to get their goods and services within walking distance form their homes. Revitalization in McCauley and the Quarters developments in Boyle Street will only see more people moving to the area, seeking a more sustainable lifestyle with local conveniences.

Having a business here is not without challenges, of course, but times really are changing. With business owners and residents joining forces to effectively deal with a variety of local issues, facing day to day challenges of running a business in Boyle Street and McCauley is becoming less daunting and more positive.

Businesses build community. They bring people from other parts of the city to spend their time and money. When they are owned by people who truly care about the area, things can tend to get better, and quickly. I don’t know of many serious shop owners who will put up with illegal activities going on around their establishments.

Be sure to support all of our local businesses – they are important to building a better future.

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