Câhcacêp Art & Teahouse Opens in McCauley

On December 13th, 2019 the building at 11051 97th Street was officially renamed Mihcêtohtâwin – The place where things happen. It was also the grand opening for the Câhcacêp Art & Teahouse, featuring tea and treats, the launch of the new book I Feel Great by Lana Whiskeyjack, and amazing art by Dawn Marie Marchand.
In addition to the teahouse, the building now also houses the offices for the Dreamspeakers Film Festival. At the building, there will be bow making classes, drum making, Cree language instruction, art sales, and film screenings (outside in the summer).
The building is the former site of the Blue Cross Animal Hospital, and now houses Hopkins Law.
Photos by Paula E. Kirman