Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Casino Thanks

As usual, the Boyle McCauley News casino was another resounding success! We had an unusual number of people who had to cancel their shifts at the last moment due to illness or injury, or unforeseen challenges at work, but our network of dedicated volunteers came through once again on September 14 and 15.

A big, heartfelt thank you to our volunteers: Fr. Jim Holland, Gary Garrison, Shauna Forsyth, Jim Gurnett, Anne Fitzpatrick, all from the BMC News Board of Directors. Other volunteers were Rich Gossen, Larry Brockman, Don Nikiforuk, Michelle Kenny, Vivien Giese, Ron Pierce, Deb Poirer, Ron Quinn, and Vicky and Gerry Beauchamp. Without dedicated volunteers, the paper would not exist.

Casino dollars support our paper by paying for printing, the editor, the layout artist, volunteer coordinators, and rent and equipment. Every shift a volunteer works brings in over $2,000, so each volunteer is special and appreciated.

Thanks again casino workers! We will see you again soon at our special Volunteer Appreciation Night!

If you would like to be part of the Boyle McCauley News volunteer team, please contact Paula or Colleen.

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