Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Changing Seasons and Changing Programs

Chris Allen. Rebecca Kaiser

While the change of seasons brings an end to several summer programs, community members can begin to look forward to trips to Plaza Bowling Co., youth snowboarding, more Women’s Wellness programming, Thursday night soccer practices, and skating at the Downtown Community Rink! We would like to extend our gratitude to a few of our partners who helped make our time embracing the sun this summer a possibility! A huge thank you to Lady Flower Gardens, Edmonton Lutheran Mixed Slo-Pitch League, Edmonton Sport and Social Club, E4C, all the festivals and other partners that made this summer’s programming possible.

Last month, the Street Prints Artist Collective worked together with the Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists (SNAP) to create a woodblock for the BLOCKOUT event, in partnership with Alberta Culture Days and Edmonton’s free all-night art festival, Nuit Blanche. The event featured a Night Market and exciting print-on-demand activities, including block prints being made by a steamroller!

The winner of this month’s sportsmanship award is Chris Allen. Chris started playing in the position of goalie and had a rough go as he began to cultivate his skill set. However, his attitude remained positive and cool as he continued to progress into a seasoned and gracious player in this high-pressure position. Last month also played home to our annual Sims Sportsmanship Memorial Hockey Tournament on September 21 at the McCauley Rink and our drop-in hockey players registered two teams in the annual YESS Armoury Hockey Tournament on the 29th of September.

Making Strides is entering its seventh year of providing free equine therapy for residents of Boyle Street and McCauley. A partnership between Equinox Therapeutic Services, Whitemud Equine Learning Centre Association, and the ICRWP, Making Strides is a weekly, one-hour equine therapy session at Whitemud Stables. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the program, please email Rylan at for more information.

Rylan Kafara is the Program Lead, Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program. Mike Siek and Rebecca Kaiser are Program Coordinators with ICRWP.

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