Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


Letter to the Editor: City Council Needs to Take a Principled Stand on User Pay Parking

The quick cave displayed by the City Councillors to placate car owners in our inner city neighbourhoods around parking fees shows us that some of our Councillors like to talk about a commitment to public transit and climate solutions but aren’t about to weather the backlash of a  privileged and vocal group.

We need all car owners to pay a reasonable fee for parking on public roads, reflecting the true costs to the environment of fossil fuel consumption.

These same drivers contribute to traffic congestion, noise and air pollution, as well as increase the costs of policing to deal with traffic violations and accidents.  

A nominal monthly parking fee, perhaps equivalent to the cost of a senior or student bus pass, could help offset the true cost of private vehicles to our city expenses and demonstrate the city’s commitment to healthy communities.

Gail Silvius is a former McCauley resident who is moving back to the neighbourhood.

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