Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Community Soccer in McCauley

The focus is on fun, fresh air, and friendship.

The Little Kickers playing soccer in May. Grace Kuipers

Soccer is back in McCauley in a big way – bigger than it’s ever been. We started a new recreational, non-competitive soccer program in McCauley, a program that allows all games to be played in Giovanni Caboto Park, one day a week and at a fraction of the cost of what it used to be. Yes, we are not keeping score since it’s all about having fun, getting out in the fresh air, meeting up with local kids, and getting some good exercise.

We registered just under 90 kids, ages ranging from 3-12, which is more than we ever have. We held our registration late, so as not to interfere with EMSA (Edmonton Minor Soccer Association). The response at registration was very positive: “Thanks, I’m so happy all the games are here; we don’t have a car,” and, “This is great, I am happy that it’s one day a week,” and, “ There’s no way I can do all those bingos,” and, “Yeah, we’re tired of getting our butts whipped by those big communities, when our kids just wanna have fun.” To me, it says there is a need for a different kind of sports program in our communities, whether that be soccer, basketball, baseball, or hockey – one that is a little easier going, with a focus that is more recreational and is about making friendships and building community. There is a place for competitive sports too, and we are happy to encourage kids and families who want something more and want to play competitively, to register with EMSA, or even try out for club teams. As a past director with EMSA North for many years , I am able to point them in that direction too.

A huge thanks goes out to all the parents who have stepped up to supervise and coach the kids. The Little Kickers group is supervised by Ron MacLellan, Lynett McKell, Isho Baily, Tammara Ruda, Mitchell Blair, and Mark Smith. The Pre-Juniors group is supervised by Mike and Heather Van Boom, Albert Le, Ryan Keyes, and Leanne Scott. The Junior group is supervised by Matt and Corrine McKell, James Magnan, and Ron MacLellan. Thanks to the City of Edmonton for the fields, and Power Play Sports for doing such a nice job of the jerseys.

We also welcome back to the neighbourhood “Free Footie,” the free soccer program, run through the local schools for children grades 3-6. Free Footie is every Wednesday from 3-5 p.m. in Giovanni Caboto Park. We are grateful to Free Footie for their inspiration for our program and showing us how many kids in the area love and want to play soccer, as well as lending us their nets.

Grace is the Soccer Coordinator in McCauley.

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