Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Community Walking Map

Boyle Street’s community walking map is now available on the rack at the entryway to Boyle Street Plaza, 9538 – 103A Avenue, and at various locations around the city such as public libraries.

The map identifies major landmarks in the community, including several that have been featured in recent issues of Boyle McCauley News: for example, St. Teresa of Calcutta School, the Ernest Brown Block, iHuman, E4C (Alex Taylor School building), and the Latta Bridge. It also features local attractions that are nearby, such as Little Italy, Chinatown, and Church Street. One of the suggested walks is on the bank of the North Saskatchewan River, which offers spectacular views of the River Valley and city skyline.

The walking map was developed by a three-member committee with assistance from the City. The committee members were Karen Jackson, a former BSCL board member, Candas Jane Dorsey, current BSCL president, and Joelle Reiniger, active member of the Boyle Street community.

The walking maps, which have been created for many other Edmonton communities, are a project of Walk Edmonton:


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