Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Daughters of the Year

From left: Lan Chan Marples (far right) with presenter Rose Marie Tremblay and son Keelan. Poushali Mitra

Three women affiliated with the Boyle Street and McCauley area received Daughter of the Year awards at the Daughters Day celebration at City Hall on September 6.

BMC News editor Paula Kirman received an award for her work in social justice, the local peace movement, and the media. She was described in the event program as “a multi-talented activist in community/independent media and social justice, using her skills as a writer, editor, photographer, videographer, and singer/songwriter to effect positive change.”

BMC News contributor, former editor, and McCauley resident Linda Dumont received an award for her “practical and immediate assistance to many of Edmonton’s vulnerable and homeless” through founding and editing Alberta Street News. ASN provides a way for those unable to hold conventional jobs to earn money through selling the paper.

Lan Chan Marples community activist and advocate of Chinatown’s history, having chaired the first Edmonton Chinatown conference to mark the hundredth anniversary of Chinatown. She also provides leadership with a number of initiatives including the Canadian Multicultural Education’s annual Harmony Brunch, the first immigrant family violence conference in Edmonton, and ASSIST Community Services.

Daughters Day is a local initiative that seeks to celebrate the lives of women while working towards an equitable society. Twelve women from diverse backgrounds received Daughter of the Year awards at this year’s celebration.

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