Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Fall Fiesta, SDAB Appeal, and Programming

Hello McCauley. In case you missed it, here’s a glimpse of our first Fall Fiesta, held this year on October 4. A warm sun and a gentle breeze greeted over 200 McCauley neighbours as they converged on the corner of 108 Avenue and 96 Street. And truly, McCauley’s diversity was on display. We had people of every age and background at this party. We advertised for everyone from ages zero-102, and we covered most of that range. We met neighbours from all over the world, and some who have lived in this neighbourhood their whole lives. Together, we shared hot dogs and bannock, music from local musicians, creative crafts, international games, and stories. The kids beat open a piñata together. We were treated to a warm and spicy African drink, and to a host of treats and desserts from around the world.

The board would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to make this celebration possible: the organizers (Randy and Kim Loewen, Mike Van Boom, and Rosalie Gelderman), our volunteers at the membership table, and the many volunteers who stopped in and lent a hand with games, crafts, food, and volunteering. Thanks Tony Pino, who helped run logistics for us with his truck and fork lift. We’d like to say a special thank you to the Hope Mission guys who did a fantastic job setting up tables and chairs, serving food, and helping out wherever they could. You helped make this a warm and exciting event for all of us!

We also want to thank those who made a contribution of some kind to our community. To Esayas Tekle and his family for lending us their sound system. To St. John’s Lutheran Church and Sacred Heart church who both lent tables and chairs and were ready to open their fellowship halls to us in case of nasty weather. And, to the restaurants who shared their love of good food with us: Shan Shan Bakery, the Italian Bakery, Mamenche’s, the Hong Kong Bakery, the Best of Africa, and the Mediterranean Pita Bakery.

Here’s a brief report on September’s SDAB (Subdivision and Development Appeal Board) hearing on the Body Rub Parlour. It did not go well, or even really happen. Nick Hermansen made the appeal a few months ago, but the appeals board determined that Nick and his family were not directly impacted by this development (as they lived outside the 60 meter radius). So, they declared the appeal invalid. It did not seem to matter to the board that the room was full of people who were directly affected and prepared to speak. The community’s concerns were not heard at this meeting. The League’s new Zoning/Planning committee (of which Nick is a member) is working on further action to question the presence of the three body parlours in our neighbourhood. New letters are being written, and new appeals underway. Many thanks to everyone who continues to work together with us in this difficult matter. We were dismissed without being heard. All of us were very disappointed by this. But this is just the end of round one. We will have other opportunities to speak to this issue, and we will make sure we are heard this time. Our zoning and planning crew will let you know the next steps as we determine them. Many thanks to Nick and Kylee for their effort, energy, and leadership in this battle. And many thanks to our other McCauley neighbours who cleared out their day to be there for this conversation. It was an honour to stand with you.

We were dismissed without being heard. All of us were very disappointed by this. But this is just the end of round one. We will have other opportunities to speak to this issue, and we will make sure we are heard this time.

On the programming front, the league is pleased to announce that we have finalized an agreement with the KIDS organization to partner with us in running our rink this year. The details of this year’s programming will be posted on our Facebook page and website. And of course, guitar lessons continue every Monday Night at the Boys and Girls Club. The league is working on a few community meetings to take place over the winter, so please keep your eyes open.

As always, feel free to contact us with ideas, concerns, questions, or if you’re interested in helping out. Check out our website for resources and upcoming events:”: Look us up on Facebook, or email us at Or, you can stop by and visit us at our board meetings. We meet the first Tuesday of every month from 7 p.m. -10 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. I am proud to be part of a community with so many engaged neighbours!

Mike is the President of the McCauley Community League.

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