Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Get Walking Through Boyle Street

Every Monday morning, my neighbour Anita and I go for a walk. We started years ago, when she moved into the neighbourhood, and asked me to show her what was what in Boyle Street. I discovered that in showing her our pathways and byways, I learned so much myself. We discovered hidden treasures everywhere, ranging from great new places to eat and interesting back-alley ghost signs all the way to a range of wonderful people we met along the way.

Walking is a great way to meet our neighbours (and their children and dogs!) and get to know the landscape of our neighbourhood. Walking is healthy and immediate, and of course there is lunch at the end of our rambles. Later, I worked on the #artTourYEG map of the Quarters, located in our neighbourhood. It was great to discover even more about the place we enjoy and the public areas we have here. But as always it was a pleasure just ambling through our streets. There’s so much to see!

That’s why your BSCL board was delighted to hear that Walkable Edmonton will have our Boyle Street Walking Map to the printer by sometime in December. That means availability early in January!

This map of Boyle Street community shows attractions, restaurants, cultural sites, and gives people a chance to follow a few specific routes to see Boyle Street at our best. Because of the weird shape of our neighbourhood, you can see McCauley and Riverdale on the map, too – even more fun to extend your walk north or south!

Joelle Reiniger and Karen Jackson were both deeply involved with the good folks at Walkable Edmonton in coordinating the input of many many Boyle Street residents. Together, the team brought together a lovely addition to the list of walking tours of a many neighbourhood. We are very grateful to receive the support, as this map may be the last one before a hiatus, due to funding priorities. We thank the whole team for making it happen.

BSCL hopes to obtain enough of these maps to send to every household in the community. Please keep an eye out for the map in the new year, and use it to get to know your Boyle Street community. We hope you will find many surprises, meet many neighbours known and unknown, and revisit many favourite places as you use the Boyle Street Walking Map to discover our wonderfully walkable neighbourhood.

You can look up program schedules on the website or Facebook, and check out our special celebrations as they occur. Join us – the membership is free again this year! All the best of whatever holiday you celebrate in the next two months, from your Boyle Street Community League board.

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