Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


GLOW Festival Lights Up Boyle Street Again

GLOW Festival. Mike Siek

On March 18, an estimated 200 people celebrated the arrival of spring by taking part in a lantern parade along the Armature. The evening turned out to be exceptionally windy and rather bitterly cold – really not spring-like at all.

The participants, hardy Edmontonians all, remained in high spirits. All the same, they were glad to take shelter inside the Boyle Street Plaza at the end of the march, where hot chocolate was on offer.

The lanterns, which bounced vigorously in the breezes and threatened to escape, represented prehistoric sea creatures, including jellyfish, star fish, prehistoric sturgeon, and a giant sea turtle. These creations were the result of eight free lantern-making workshops organized by Quarters Arts. Held at the Hyatt Place Hotel, March 2 to 18, the workshops drew approximately 100 people of all ages.

Quarters Arts is a non-profit society engaging in citizen-led projects that honour the heritage and explore the diversity of Boyle Street.

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