Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Gratitude and News

Our March 2013 AGM brought significant changes to the board of McCauley Community League. Rob Stack has transitioned into the role of Past President alongside Wendy Aasen, and I have been elected to be the President for 2013-2014. Because so much of what they did was together, it’s impossible to talk about Rob without talking about Wendy. Without both of their contributions, the McCauley Community League would not have had many of our successes to date. Under their leadership, people in Edmonton began talking about spatial concentration of poverty and the need for healthy, balanced, mixed communities. As a result, Council has recognized the need for our neighbourhood to take a break from the ongoing influx of agency-run social housing projects, and has granted a moratorium. Further, both stood alongside other concerned residents and businesses in legal challenges against unpermitted and unwarranted developments that would have served to further entrench and institutionalize poverty within our neighbourhood. They were also instrumental in raising resident support to save St. Stephen’s church, rallied resident and business support to prevent a large scale bottle depot going in across the avenue from Norwood School, and fought the redistricting of McCauley high school kids out of the Victoria Performing Arts Academy. No small task, this was undertaken alongside the day-to-day leadership of the board including recruiting volunteers, fundraising, holding monthly board meetings, signing cheques, providing encouragement to other board members as work was undertaken, etc.

When I first met them both in the spring of 2011, I could not comprehend how they were able to do so much as volunteers. Now, they have inspired me to do the same, and I have been lucky enough to find friendship along the way. While both remain actively involved in the League from a guidance and mentorship perspective, they now have the energy and time to dedicate to pursuits in their personal lives. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish them both great success in their future endeavours and want to say a huge thank you to them for all of the time, energy, and dedication they directed towards the McCauley Community League.

As for the rest of the AGM, we said farewell to Elisa Zenari and Eric Aasen from the board of directors. We are happy to confirm that Jody Johnson, Georgina Fiddler, Les Fraser, Wolf Geisler, and Nick Hermansen will remain in their previous positions. We now welcome new volunteers Tory Zenkewich and Corrine McKell. Father Jim Holland, Grace Kupiers, and Dan Glugosh are returning to the board and Dan has resigned from his Rink Maintenance role with the Rink to take on a volunteer role.  

When I first met them both in the spring of 2011, I could not comprehend how they were able to do so much as volunteers. Now, they have inspired me to do the same, and I have been lucky enough to find friendship along the way.

Discussion was also had about what to do about the Green Shack in Giovanni Caboto Park as STEP funding to the program was cut. While we await news about our Canada Summer Jobs funding application, the board voted to maintain the Green Shack programming on a full time basis. If neighbouring leagues are unable to do so, we will welcome application from them to share our site and program. However, we felt it essential that our site remains where it is, so we are not willing to relocate our program to another neighbourhood. We also voted to participate in an artistic vision contest held by the Chinese Benevolent Society about what we would like to see Chinatown evolve into in five, 10, and 15 years. An ad hoc committee is at work on this – check our website and Facebook for updates.

Finally, we are closely following and supporting the Alberta Avenue Community League SDAB appeal on April 25 to prevent Arden Varimart from opening a liquor store within 100 meters of the Norwood Child & Family Resource Centre. Currently, Bylaw 12800 prevents this from happening adjacent to community recreation activities, public parks, and public or private education institutions. If this variance is allowed, this could set a precedent to allow developers to apply for and receive planning permission to open liquor stores without consideration of the neighbourhood context, regardless of Bylaw 12800. Check our website and Facebook for more information about this as it develops.

I also want to say a huge thanks to those people working the April 19/20 Casino Fundraiser. Without these dedicated individuals (and our fabulous coordinator Kylee Nixon) our programs would not run and we would have fewer opportunities as a result. Our May board meeting will be held on May 16, basement of Zocalo, 7-9 p.m. Hope to see you there!

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