Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Harbin Gate Featured on a Stamp

The Harbin Gate on 102 Avenue and 97 Street has been immortalized on a new stamp issued by Canada Post in May. It is one of eight Chinatown gates in Canada featured on the commemorative stamps. Harbin is Edmonton’s sister city in northeast China and the gate was a gift from there. It was built in 1987 and features many handcrafted details. The stamp features a depiction of the gate done in watercolour. Paula E. Kirman

The Harbin Gate on 102 Avenue and 97 Street has been immortalized on a new stamp issued by Canada Post in May. It is one of eight Chinatown gates in Canada featured on the commemorative stamps.

Harbin is Edmonton’s sister city in northeast China and the gate was a gift from there. It was built in 1987 and features many handcrafted details. The stamp features a depiction of the gate done in watercolour.

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