Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Here’s What’s New

A number of music events have taken place at Boyle Street Plaza. I hope to see more of these events in the future.

There has been a staff change at the Plaza. Please welcome Maryam Abdallah as our new Facilities Director. Maryam has been on staff for the past five years. She has done an excellent job as a front desk attendant and is doing an awesome job as the Facilities Director.

I am proud of the staff of the Boyle Street Community League. They are polite and pleasant front desk attendants. They represent our community with a very professional and positive attitude. Of course, having said that, now they will probably want a raise!

The Board is still looking for someone to help us with the grant applications that have to be filled in and sent off. Please send your resumes to our office in the Boyle Street Plaza.

The new EPINSS building is progressing nicely. See the article in this issue on page three. I feel it will be a first-class addition to the Boyle Street community. I will keep everyone posted on its progress.

Alf is the President of the Boyle Street Community League.

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