Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


High Hopes in Perilous Times

By the time many of you read this, another provincial election in Alberta will have come and gone. What changes the election may (or may not) bring are not yet known, since I am writing this in advance of voters heading to the polls. No matter what the election results are, I have some high hopes for the future, despite the grim few years behind us.

I hope that healthcare stays public and is properly funded so that people won’t have to start paying to see a doctor or to have a medical procedure, and that people won’t have to experience long wait times, especially to treat critical illnesses.

Further to the above, I hope that healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and everyone else involved in caring for patients, are treated with the respect they deserve, so that they will stay here and not be compelled to move to another province.

I hope that housing is a priority and that the unhoused will have access to safe, affordable homes. After all, if someone is housed, issues like mental health or addiction are easier to address.

Like the healthcare system, I also hope that education stays public and is funded properly to keep the teacher to student ratio reasonable and that supports are in place for students with special needs. I also hope that the curriculum being taught is developed by experts in education and includes both sound knowledge and values that reflect a diverse and inclusive society.

Frankly, all of these hopes should be unquestioned aspects of reality in a well-functioning society. The problem is that we haven’t functioned very well for a while now. My biggest hope is that those in power will do better, and that the rest of us will hold them accountable.

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