Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


How You Can Support Boyle McCauley News

No donation is too small. It all adds up and helps us towards our goal of financial sustainability. However, if you are in a position to contribute a substantial amount, here are some numbers to guide you. These estimates are calculated for a 12 page issue.

  • The TOTAL cost of one issue: $4275 (This includes printing, editing, volunteer coordination, layout/design, distribution, and bookkeeping.)
  • The cost of PRINTING one issue: $1100
  • 10% of the cost of one issue: $427.50
  • 10% of the cost of PRINTING one issue: $110
  • Communications (Internet, telephone) annually: $1500

How to Donate

You can donate online via PayPal at our website:
Your donation can be one-time, or you can set up a monthly donation schedule.

Interac E-Transfer
Send an e-transfer to, and put “BMC News Donation” in the “message” field.

Send your cheque, made payable to “Boyle McCauley News” to:
9613 111 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5G 0A9

Please note that we cannot provide income tax receipts for donations.

What is Boyle McCauley News?

The goals of the paper include:

  • To be a vehicle, through which community organizations can inform local residents of their services and activities, providing opportunities to be involved in the neighbourhood.
  • To be a voice for residents who wish to express their concerns, interests, and ideas.
  • To report on local issues and events in the community or are of community interest.
  • To work cooperatively with the local businesses regarding advertising services and points of interest.
  • To be a community-based newspaper that strives towards financial self-sufficiency and which functions through the use of volunteers.

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