Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Human Rights Hero in McCauley

Sr. Marion Garneau with Lewis Cardinal. Jim Gurnett

Sister Marion Garneau has been awarded the 2011 Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Award. Garneau is a resident of McCauley who is active with the Inner City Pastoral Ministry. She is also involved with the mentorship program at the women’s prison. Along with the Sisters of Charity, she served for many years in Peru.

Sr. Marion and the Sisters of Charity are also long-time supporters of Boyle McCauley News and former block carriers for the paper.
“Her life’s work helping those in our community who are struggling, make her a model for us all,” was a major factor in choosing Sister Marion for this honour as stated in the press release.

Sister Marion received her award in a ceremony at City Hall on November 8. Lewis Cardinal, a well-known communicator and educator dedicated to bridging cultural divides, was the guest speaker.

The Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Award is presented annually by the Edmonton chapter of Project Ploughshares, to individuals in the city who have made a significant contribution to peace, disarmament, and human rights. The award was established in 1996 as a tribute to Prelorentzos, a World War II veteran who never forgot the horrors of war.

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