Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


In 2025, it’s the People’s Time

I’m wishing you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!

I will be fighting hard to make 2025 a year of big change.

With a federal election looming, Canadians will have to choose between Conservatives’ cuts or the NDP’s plan to make CEOs pay their fair share, to lower prices, and to fix health care so we can deliver real relief to the working class.

The last year has shown that when you send New Democrats to Ottawa, we get results. We added dental care for millions of Canadians while expanding drug coverage for diabetes and birth control, ensuring Canadians will get the care they need, while preventing Conservatives from cutting and privatizing our health care. We are building over 700 affordable housing units in Edmonton Griesbach, putting people ahead of developers and corporate landlords so more people can find an affordable place to call home. We are standing up against Conservative attempts to take away your Canada Pension Plan and workers’ rights. We delivered a tax holiday on groceries and children’s clothes, footwear, and diapers, and New Democrats want to remove it from your monthly bills like home heating, internet, and cell phone bills. That’s real, permanent relief.

Canadians are sick and tired of governments that do nothing but help CEOs and the ultra-wealthy – and so are we. Everyday people must stand together to stop the Conservatives. If you oppose callous Conservative cuts; if you oppose the rich getting richer while everyone else falls further behind, stand with the NDP.

Canadians deserve a government that acts to lower prices and fix health care. We deserve a government that puts people first. Big corporations and CEOs have had their governments.

In 2025, it’s the people’s time.

“Dream big dreams, my friends, never little ones” – Tommy Douglas

Blake Desjarlais
Member of Parliament, Edmonton Griesbach
Phone: 780-495-3261 

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