Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Isabel is Doing Well

Mystery novel by Boyle Street’s Candas Jane Dorsey is making waves in the literary world.

The cover of the British edition of The Adventures of Isabel. Supplied

In our January 2021 edition we featured Candas Jane Dorsey’s novel, The Adventures of Isabel, which was published by ECW Press on October 20th, 2020: New Novel from Candas Jane Dorsey Influenced by Boyle Street

Since then, the novel has been making waves in the literary world and is being published in other countries. In addition to rave reviews, the British edition will be published soon. As well, the rights have been sold to a publisher in Germany, and there is an audio book from Orange Sky.

Here is a just a partial list of print and online appearances that Boyle Street’s Candas Jane Dorsey has made over the past while concerning The Adventures of Isabel:

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