Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


It’s Who You Know

One of my favourite things about editing Boyle McCauley News is meeting people from different organizations, businesses, and walks of life. Many chance meetings have turned into relationships that have lasted years. I would likely not have met many of these fine folks had I taken a different career path. 

Neighbourhoods are defined by boundaries of streets and avenues, but it is the people who live and work there who build communities. People return to shop or dine at a local business in part because they develop relationships with people who work there, as well as other customers. One of the reasons why some residents of McCauley and Boyle Street have lived here for decades is because of the bonds formed between neighbours. 

I honestly believe people are more likely to stay where they live, work, worship, and take part in recreational activities if they have quality friendships. I witness this in action in various settings, like people having coffee at Zocalo or the Italian Centre, attending numerous events in the area, or even just going for walks together. 

An involved and connected community is a healthier one. Isolation can contribute to the decline of mental and physical health. Getting out and getting involved in something - an event, a cause, or   even just visiting people and places - can have a tremendous impact on one’s quality of life, as well as on the community as a whole. 

The bottom line is, when it comes to quality of life and building community, it’s not only what you are able to contribute: it’s who you know.

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