Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Learning From Our Children

A few days ago I was leaving a store, when a woman with two little girls in a ride-along cart tried to take the loaded cart across a snow-covered lane in the parking lot to her car. The cart kept getting stuck on ridges of snow, so I tried to help by pulling while the mother pushed. The two little girls giggled with great joy every time the cart got stuck.

Then, a man came along and he helped also, and we made more progress, with the girls still giggling like they were on a joy ride in an amusement park. And I thought to myself, “They are enjoying this bumpy ride so much—it is amazing to me. Why can’t we adults learn to giggle at our troubles, when we struggle to get to our destinations?” We can learn joy from our children if we listen and watch.

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