Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Let the Sun Shine

“Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s alright”- George Harrison (1943-2001), member of the legendary group The Beatles.

The first day of summer arrives with the solstice on Wednesday, June 21st. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, Earth is tilting towards the sun.

Summer activities abound, such as festivals, concerts, and holidays. Perhaps you will have a vacation or a “staycation.” Maybe this can be a time to leisurely get to know our city and community!

You can have your own festivals right outside your door. Be creative – gather neighbours and explore. Our community holds a lot of significant history. Multiple generations of families have lived here, so there is always a story to tell!

Church Street (96th Street between 107th and 111th Avenue, formerly “Kinistino Street”) is considered historically significant and was visited by well-known people such as Pope Francis who was here last summer, and the cast of SCTV who filmed a segment there in the early ‘80s.

Even a nice relaxing afternoon in Giovanni Caboto Park across from the historic Italian Centre can make for a wonderful time.

Enjoy your summer – I know I will! And don’t forget to let the sun shine!

Ian is a columnist with the paper. He lives in the area.

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