Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Life Moments of Leisure

How do you spend your leisure time?

Leisure time means different things to different people. Some place high value on that time and schedule leisure time into their routine. Some make their leisure time part of the rest of the “life moments” that come along.

My adult life has been spent working multiple jobs and raising multiple kids. There were leisure type activities that were part of life. Summer parades, festivals, performances at the Jubilee or Citadel (following long hours of rehearsals), soccer games and tournaments (following many games and practices), dance festivals (following many classes and rehearsals), picnics, dinners, parties, and all those events that come with a volunteer life.

It is difficult to watch TV and/or play games when there are dishes and laundry to take care of – or, alternatively, typing up meeting minutes or planning an event.

Reading – my first love – takes place while dance class is on if I am not participating in a meeting/fundraising event.

So, in my world, “leisure time” is not scheduled or some days a reality, but we take it as it comes and enjoy all the “life moments.”

Shauna lives in McCauley, where she is an active volunteer with a number of organizations.

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