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Lifestyle Changes and Yoga

A yoga lifestyle change may give a newly diagnosed disease an option for completely controlling and correcting the condition. By adopting yoga practices and lifestyle changes, results may be achieved for healing the body. The allopathic medicine protocol of simply prescribing drugs to treat only the symptoms is viewed as disease promoting. The yogic perspective does not agree with using medication to counteract the symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Yogic treatment is health promoting and addresses the underlying causes of the disease as well as the symptoms. Yogic treatment stimulates the regenerative process of the body. Yoga practices can internally readjust the entire body by restoring depleted pranic energy levels and releasing energy blockages.

Yogic treatment is focused on rejuvenation and restoration with specific yoga protocol:

  • Asana or yoga postures: opens the energy flow in the nadi or energy channels; affects the metabolism, nervous system and endocrine glands in ways different from exercise; lactic acid levels drop from asana and meditation, but increase from exercise.
  • Pranayama breathing and meditation practices: circulates and purifies energy, strengthening the mind, reintegrating, and leading ultimately to a higher state of awareness.
  • Shatkarmas or cleansing and purification practices.
  • Bandhas or pranic energy flow and holds, including uddiyana and nauli.

This protocol will increase diminished blood flow to exhausted atrophied glandular segments in the body. It is important that yoga practice be done appropriately. The intent is to heal allowing body homeostasis and balance to re-establish. Practices are done slowly with correct breath synchronization and awareness. Often a residents program with medical supervision is recommended for at least one month with follow up for more serious conditions such as diabetes.

A daily practice of yoga, as outlined above, is rejuvenating to the entire gastrointestinal tract and the pancreas by cleaning and irrigating associated ducts and glands. In addition to this, it is necessary to adopt a correct diet with regular meal times without overeating or snacks. A dietary restriction of carbohydrates is required to allow the glands to rest and recuperate from past abuse. In order to recuperate from any disease of depletion or exhaustion in any body system, it is most important to have adequate physiological rest.

Yoga is an ancient science and has successfully managed many health conditions. These methods are thousands of years old and are based on the internal readjustment of the body by stimulating its own regenerative process.

Information presented in this article is not intended as medical advice. Janice Zubin, RMT, Diploma of Naturopathy. For more information: (780)“

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